A few words about

ARA ART connects together people, art, action and beliefs into a coherent activity - ARTIVISM.
We focus on artistic creation with an emphasis on live art, we organize cultural events and we are also active in education and sharing of experiences. 
ARA ART's special topic is the Roma LGBT+ minority and issues of multiple discrimination.

Main information

ARA ART, z.s. is a registered association founded in 2012.
The articles of association and other documents, including annual reports and financial statements, can be found on the justice.cz website

Association director: David Tišer
Statutory body (Committee): Michael Žolták, Pavlína Matiová, Veronika Šafránková
Headquarters: Na Václavce 1136/8, 150 00, Prague 5
Data box: jgpny9t


Beyond One-Sided Approaches: Supporting Multiple-Discriminated LGBTQ+ Roma 
1.6.2023 - 31.5.2024
The project is implemented in cooperation with the Slovak partner Ara Art SK, the aim of the project is 1) to strengthen the capacity of both organizations (training of the lecturing team) and 2) to organize events for the public within the Prague Pride festival (debates, concerts, workshops, etc.).

Intersectionality in Action: Promoting Rights and Well-being of LGBTI Roma
1.8.2023 - 31.7.2024
Funded by Porticus 
The project focuses on systemic changes towards the Romani LGBT+ minority and includes 1) training for the helping professions involved and 2) activities leading to the support and visibility of the "I will say it“ counseling center and the crisis apartment.

Building bridges through artivism
1.10.2023 - 30.6.2024
Funded by ERIAC (European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture e.V.) through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) of the European Union. 

Within the project we will organise several multi-genre events to mark important days of the Roma nation: 
1) On International Roma Language Day (5.11.) we will organise debates and readings with Roma writers and 2) in April we will organise a 10th International Roma Day Celebration (8.4.) including an international conference focused on artivism approach. 

Ode to kames / You don't want that
Registration number: CZ.03.02.01/00/22_044/0002152
The aim of the project is to combat hate speech and hate violence against Romani men and women through activities focused on 1) monitoring and analysis of hate speech and prejudicial violence, 2) education of social workers and field social workers from social service providers and non-profit organizations, 3) awareness-raising and information campaigns, 4) systematic advocacy activities and 5) through the provision of free legal aid and counselling.

We are part of the following platforms and coalitions:


Platform for Creative Learning uMĚNÍM https://umenim.cz/
Platform for improving Roma integration in the Pilsen Region https://www.platforma-plzen.cz/
Members of the Committee on Sexual Minorities of the Czech Republic https://www.vlada.cz/cz/ppov/rlp/vybory/sexualni-mensiny/vybor-pro-sexualni-mensiny-24225/


Thanks to donors

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